Use "the two tables of the covenant|the two table of the covenant" in a sentence

1. But there were two fundamental flaws in the Covenant.

2. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.

3. It is vital therefore to distinguish between the two kinds of breach of covenant.

4. Ark of the Covenant

5. + The two sons of Eʹli, Hophʹni and Phinʹe·has,+ were also there with the ark of the covenant of the true God.

6. Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant

7. A Covenant, the next level type of promise, involved a life-or-death agreement between two parties

8. Marriage is the covenant between two people, and the decision remain together in wedded matrimony.

9. (Judaism) The Ark of the Covenant

10. Did the ark of the covenant contain only the two stone tablets, or did it also hold other items?

11. Muhlestein clarified that the Abrahamic Covenant is God’s covenant, and is also called the “New and Everlasting Covenant.” “The Covenant was established with Adam,” Muhlestein said.

12. The Idea of Covenant. The term "Covenant" is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together.

13. The prelapsarian covenant may be called a covenant of works in respect to its terms, a covenant of life in respect to its goals and a covenant of nature in respect to its setting.

14. Also called Ark of the covenant

15. Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood

16. The Abrahamic covenant is a unilateral covenant that God made with Abraham

17. High Priest Eli’s two wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, had marched out of Shiloh with the sacred ark of the covenant.

18. May 2017 - A Plea for the Covenanted Reformation of the National Covenant and Solemn League and Covenant

19. How to unlock the Clangorous Covenant achievement in Dark Souls II: Discover the Clangorous covenant

20. He was here referring to “the old covenant,” the Law covenant made with Israel.

21. God used two baskets of figs in this vision to symbolize developments among his covenant people.

22. Appropriate for the people of the New covenant.

23. Then he gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision.

24. Covenant of salt (19)

25. High Priest Eli had two wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who had marched out of Shiloh with the sacred ark of the covenant.

26. The covenant must benefit the Covenantee's land; The covenant must be intended to run with the covenantor's land

27. Jesus Christ is the mediator of the new covenant.

28. The Power, Joy, and Love of Covenant Keeping

29. In legal language, a covenant generally denotes an agreement between two or more parties.

30. 27 At that Abraham took sheep and cattle and gave them to A·bimʹe·lech, and the two of them made a covenant.

31. God has adequately qualified the ministers of the new covenant.

32. The Abrahamic covenant provides the framework for all of this.

33. Taken Into the Kingdom Covenant

34. The Old Testament Covenant with Abraham

35. Tucked under the coffee table, two Bunching tables create such a cool staggered effect.

36. The Abrahamic Covenant is really the beginnings of the formal …

37. The effect of the statute was to annul this covenant.

38. Members of the Church are part of the Lord’s covenant people.

39. What did the ark of the covenant represent for Israel?

40. We as children of the covenant are highly favored.

41. Immutable covenant!

42. The Mosaic Law covenant was perfect.

43. In addition to the two tests above, there is another implication of my view that the Sabbath is an eschatological sign for the covenant community.

44. We expect you to be covenant makers and covenant keepers.

45. The data displayed at the bottom of the Mediation report can be shown in either of two separate tables: the Mediation networks table and the Mediation waterfall table.

46. A formal agreement or promise between two or more people: The contract contained a restrictive Covenant against building on the land.

47. The painful reminders of [His] watch care and covenant are the marks of the Roman nails graven upon the palms of his hands” (Christ and the New Covenant [1997], 84).

48. What covenant does Jehovah make with the Israel of God?

49. The oath and covenant of the priesthood pertains to all of us.

50. The Bagpipe is the official biweekly student newspaper of Covenant College

51. The Abrahamic Covenant included the promise of land (Genesis 12:1)

52. 4 Was the old covenant a failure?

53. The Law covenant, including the priestly decree to offer holy incense, ended when Christ inaugurated the new covenant in 33 C.E.

54. One of the Covenants, the Mosaic Covenant, is conditional in nature

55. + “No more will they say, ‘The ark of the covenant of Jehovah!’

56. The Abrahamic Covenant is really the beginnings of the formal revelation of the covenant of grace, of God's decision to reach into humanity and specifically save people for Himself

57. And these stones were kept inside the ark of the covenant.

58. The existence of the covenant, however, provides the possibility of its future invocation.

59. Abominable Stitching is a special feature of the Necrolord Covenant

60. I even saw the Ark of the Covenant stolen from the temple.

61. The fulness of the gospel is called the new and everlasting covenant.

62. There are two kinds of fActless fact tables: FActless fact table describes events or activities.

63. Allison is another link to The Covenant

64. You are His daughters in the covenant.

65. Which spouse should enter into the covenant?

66. This covenant of marriage allows children to be sealed to their parents and children born in the covenant to become part of an eternal family.

67. We renew the covenant on Sundays when we partake of the sacrament.”

68. At its most basic level, a Covenant is an oath-bound relationship between two or more parties

69. The promises of the Abrahamic Covenant – the land, the seed, the blessing – are

70. 16 The covenant he made with Abraham,+

71. The two made a covenant over a water well, and the area became known as Beersheba, which means "the well of the oath" (Genesis 21:25-34)

72. Can he break the covenant and still escape?’

73. 39 When men are called unto mine aeverlasting gospel, and covenant with an everlasting covenant, they are accounted as the bsalt of the earth and the savor of men;

74. The table needed two coats of varnish.

75. How did Ezekiel describe the moral bankruptcy of Jehovah’s covenant people?

76. If two men wanted to make a Covenant, they would slice animals in half and walk between the carcasses (Genesis 15:10)

77. * See also Ark of the Covenant; Holy of Holies; Temple, House of the Lord

78. The apostle Paul mentions “the ark of the covenant . . . , in which were the golden jar having the manna and the rod of Aaron that budded and the tablets of the covenant.” —Hebrews 9:4.

79. If we are obedient, we inherit the blessings of that covenant.

80. We renew the covenant on Sundays when we partake of the sacrament.